We are staying with my parents for a while so my mother has graciously offered up her scrap booking room for us to use. It a pretty big room but there is a LOT of stuff in there (have I mentioned that my mom takes scrap booking pretty seriously?) so it is a little snug. Luckily, I tend to fall on the minimalist side of things so we didn't have too much too bring in!
B is pretty excited about having a desk. The way the desks are set up will be perfect to keep certain preschoolers from writing on B's papers. Our calendar board will stay on top of our cube shelf when we aren't using it, as will most of our arts and crafts supplies. Beside the shelf is a closet and I'm attaching our white board and clock to the door.
I realize that two pictures isn't much of a tour but they sum it up pretty well. Please excuse the quality. The lighting is terrible down here!
Truth be told, I am really missing our dining room table. Annnd the house it resided in.
We've been here for two weeks and Ryan has been gone for one. I won't lie. It's been hard. The kids have been loving it here with grandma and grandpa, which has mostly distracted them from daddy's absence. There have been some rough patches with tears, attitudes and a general increase in chaos but that has mostly subsided.
I'm looking forward to starting school on Monday. It will be a nice distraction and we need the rhythm it brings to our days.