I am a wife, a homeschooling mother of four, cat owner and a lover of chickens.
I try to take on too much and get overwhelmed easily. I love my family very much but being a good wife and mother doesn't always come easily to me. Thankfully I live with a very forgiving bunch.
I am a minimalist about 80% of the time. I do a lot of online window shopping though.
I usually cook from scratch and feel amazing when we stick to a whole foods diet. That said, we've been known to eat fast food every now and then!
I try to live a natural life as much as possible but don't obsess over it. Moderation is my best friend.
I love knitting, crocheting and trying to take good pictures. I don't really love sewing but do love the end result...so I do it somewhat begrudgingly. I am determined to learn to weave and spin yarn. Basically, I love all fibre arts.
We are a homeschooling family. It's been an interesting journey with lots of doubt and struggle on my part but I am so happy to be here. It has been an absolute blessing to our family. I've never been able to stick to any one philosophy and I don't really like labels so we'll just say our style is very eclectic. I like to pick and choose from the Waldorf, Charlotte Mason, classical and Montessori methods. It's messy but it works!
This blog is mostly for me to record what's happening around me. Its much easier to see the beauty in my seemingly ordinary life when its written out in front of me. Plus, I'm not really into scrap booking (sorry, mom) so this is my compromise!
Thanks for stopping by! :)