My mother is the most organized person I know. Everything has its own labelled basket or shelf. She doesn't own a box of tangled computer cords or have a junk drawer that will explode if opened.
I did not inherit this gift (or my dad's public speaking skills). I got thin hair instead. Thanks guys! ;)
And so, since this does not come naturally to me, I have to work to keep things running smoothly in our house.
I recently shared my School Day and Class Schedule Printables. I'd like to share a printable for weekly routines as well.
On this sheet, I keep track of cleaning to do's and weekly commitments that we have outside of the home.
You'll see that there's a spot for cleaning zones. I do not like cleaning. And with four children under 8, it seems kind of pointless anyway. However, Ryan doesn't like having to shovel a path to the bed so I try to stay somewhat on top of things! I find breaking things into small and manageable chunks makes it all seem less overwhelming. Each day I do a quick fifteen minutes in the morning and again after the kids are in bed. Then I do a longer "zone clean" during our chore time. This just means that I spend about 30 minutes cleaning that particular day's zone. The kids each choose one or two chore sticks from our chore jar to help out with the zone cleaning.
If you would like your own Weekly Cleaning Printable, just click on the link below!
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Weekly Routine Printable