Last week I mentioned that we had designated one hour in the afternoon as crafting hour. When I first started, I could not have imagined how wonderful this would turn out to be!
B is especially pleased that she gets to sit and craft with mama. She has recently discovered the Rainbow Loom and just like that, I'm finding little rubber bands all over my house! She really enjoys it and I think it will be an excellent gateway into knitting!
A and W have been contenting themselves with small craft projects. The other day they wrapped sticks with wool to make magic wands. We started making treasure maps today by soaking paper in tea. They're very excited to burn the edges at the end!
I think I will keep craft hour as part of our days when school starts again. I'd like to plan out a few projects that will span over a few days- weeks. My plan has been to introduce knitting to B this year so we'll likely start with that.
I've been working away at that second quilt top and have made good progress. Today was spent ironing squares to be sewn into rows. So exciting to watch it take shape! I've been thinking about adding a little embroidered message to each girl on her quilt but I can't quite figure out what to put.
I've been knitting a second sock for Ryan. This is my first time knitting socks and I really like it! I'm hoping to one day knit a pair for myself. I've never knit anything just for me and I think a pair of wool socks would be an appropriate first.
I'm looking forward to finally getting caught up again. I made the mistake of looking at some new patterns for Ruby's birthday sweater and now I'm itching to get started!
Linking up with Nicole for KCCO.