Tuesday, 21 February 2012

Crafting On: Hand dyed longies

Joining up with Nicole at Frontier Dreams for Crafting On.  Check it out to see the amazing projects by some lovely ladies! :) 

Still working on the birthday sweater.  I am happy to report that I have finally figured out how to attach the sleeves.  Of course, in doing that, I miscounted and did it wrong anyways...but at least I know now!  I just have to get the energy up to take it out and do it again.  Sigh.

I tried my hand at dyeing wool.  I am quite pleased with the result!  I was going for something a little brighter but I think this turned out quite pretty.  I'm excited to do some more!

I am knitting a pair of longies for Amelia.  My hope is to switch over to all wool covers.  She is starting to grow out of her smaller sized PUL covers so this is the perfect opportunity to start making the switch.   I'm thinking about doing ruffles at the bottom instead of my standby ribbed cuff. 

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