Tuesday, 20 March 2012

Crafting On: Tiny Longies and Easter Animals

As always, I'll be linking up with Nicole at Frontier Dreams for Keep Calm, Craft On. 
For some wonderful, crafty ideas, go check it out!

This week, I finally got around to knitting up my Kool Aid wool.
It was such a treat to knit with.  It even smelled a little bit like Kool Aid still!  I'm working on a wee pair of longies for a friend's new babe.  Makes me a little sad though...I can't knit anything for my kids with only one skein!

I'm still trying to decide how to knit the cuffs.  

I also worked on some needle felted animals for the kids for Easter.  I've got a rabbit, a baby chick and a mouse with some cheese.  They all still need eyes.  I'm a very beginner needle felter and detail work is a little tricky for me...so I've been avoiding it (just like Amelia's sweater...sigh).

 Ryan is on vacation this week he and Brooklynn did a little creating of their own!  I love that he is painting and she is "making lists". She clearly takes after her mother. ;)

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