Tuesday 2 December 2014

Day 2: Annual Christmas Clean Out

I know people usually start purging and organizing in the New Year but why wait?  An Annual Christmas Clean Out is the perfect way to start the Christmas season.  Less clutter = less stress and we could all use a little less of that at this time of year, yes?

A Minimalist Christmas

We like to do a clean out at the beginning of December.  We go through closets and dressers and all of the kids toys.  Its such a big relief to clear the house of the clutter that inevitable gathers throughout the year.  It serves as a sort of reminder that we should do the same with our time during the holiday season.  A cluttered calendar can make it difficult to focus on what this all is really about.

So here is how we do our Annual Christmas Clean Out.

We sort everything into three piles.

  • Things to Keep
  • Things to Give Away
  • Things to Throw Out
Things that are actually used, played with, add value to our lives get to go in the "keep" piles.  Things to give away are clothes that have been outgrown or toys that are no longer played with.  Things that get thrown out are those that are broken, stained or ripped beyond repair.  

I think its important to get the kids involved in this process (Although its extremely tempting to do it while they're all in bed.  It would go SO much faster!) because it does involve their stuff.  Its good for them to make choices about what stays and what goes.  I've found it has taught my kids to evaluate why we have things in our home which has made them much smarter consumers.  

We always feel much better once this is over.  Our house is clutter free and messes are easy to pick up.  AND we've made room for new toys and clothes that the kids will receive at Christmas.

So what about you?  Do you like to clean stuff out before the holidays begin?

Click on the image before to see more posts about Minimalist Christmas traditions!

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